PMK Powder China bulk stock CAS 28578-16-7 - USD10.00

Date Posted: 19-01-2024 09:40 AM    Location: 塞浦路斯, iskele, Johor    Posted by: iris iris    Views: 185 times
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Hello, I am Iris from Haite International Trading Co., Ltd.
My Whatsapp is +86 15527907811 and my email is [email protected].
Our company is honored to be able to click on the chemical and pharmaceutical products released by our Hait. If you can spare a minute, please go to our website to learn more about our company's products ( We mainly focus on pharmaceutical intermediates. Raw materials and various caffeine series, our Haite company is based on the integration of R&D, production and sales, and has always been at the forefront of China's domestic chemical and pharmaceutical industry. Haite Company hereby declares: Our company has the courage to offer the lowest price among products of the same quality, quality, and content in China. We welcome comparisons. Among all the products on sale, the company has launched a preferential policy: at the lowest domestic price, buy 25kg and get 1kg free, no upper limit (2024)